We know privacy policies can be as exciting as watching paint dry, but fear not! We’ve spiced things up to make it as engaging as a thrilling hike through uncharted trails. So, buckle up, and let’s dive into the wild world of privacy on RemixOutdoors.com!
We Use Cookies
First things first, we use cookies on our website. No, not the kind you can munch on, but rather small text files that make your browsing experience smoother than sliding down a snow-covered slope. These little helpers remember your preferences, like your language settings and saved items, so you don’t have to start from scratch every time you swing by.
Now, here’s the important part: we’re all about privacy! We take it seriously, like guarding the secret location of buried treasure. We want you to know that we never collect or share any of your personal information without your explicit permission. Your trust is sacred to us, and we’d never dream of jeopardizing it in any way shape or form.
Now, if you’re not the cookie-loving type, no problemo! You have the power to control your cookie fate. Simply tweak your browser settings to reject those little guys. But remember, doing so might cause some of our website’s features to go on a temporary vacation. We wouldn’t want you to miss out on all the fun, so choose wisely!
We’re Reader Supported
We’re a reader-supported website. That means we rely on amazing folks like you to keep our content free and our virtual campfires burning bright. That’s why you might stumble upon some affiliate links in our articles, guides, and product reviews. When you click on these links and make a purchase, we get a little boost and it honestly makes our day.
But don’t; worry! Your privacy is always safe and sound. Our use of affiliate links doesn’t mean we’re peeking into your secret lairs. It’s just a nifty way for us to earn a small commission without prying into your personal data. So, if you find our content valuable and want to lend a helping hand, consider using those links to support our adventures. Together, we’ll conquer new frontiers!
Sometimes We Link to Other Websites
One last thing! Our privacy policy only applies to RemixOutdoors.com. Sometimes we link to other websites that we thank will be helpful, but our privacy policy doesn;t apply to them. That means if you venture off into the wild and click on external links that lead you to other websites, their privacy policies will be in charge. Although we only link to third-party sites that we think are trustworthy and above board, feel free to check out the privacy policies of those third-party sites for your own peace of mind.
We Love to Hear from You

Got questions or concerns? We’re here to help! Our trusty team is ready to tackle any mysteries or questions you encounter. Just reach out at [email protected], and we’ll be your reliable compass guiding you through the digital wilderness.
Phew, congratulations! You’ve made it through the privacy policy maze. We appreciate your support and hope you have a blast exploring RemixOutdoors.com. Stay wild, friends!
-Kenny & Tim