Choosing a disc golf putter can seem daunting, but don’t worry! I put together a list of the best disc golf putters in the game so you can get the disc you need to start chopping strokes off of your score. Take a look at this handy infographic I made for a quick overview before we dive in!

What is a disc golf putter?
In disc golf, the putter is generally used to make the last throw of the hole – known as a putt. However, it can also be used for approach shots, which is when you are getting close to the basket, but not close enough to go for the final putt. Overall, a putter is a disc with a very consistent flight pattern that is ideal for closer-range throws where control and accuracy are essential.

However, keep in mind that putters can also be used for approach shots or even short drives. We’ve listed the strengths of each putter on our list so you know how it should be used.
How do I choose a disc golf putter?
Great question! Ultimately, it comes down to what feels best and works best for you. I know that sounds cliche, but It’s almost like choosing a pair of running shoes. There are a ton of great options out there, but people just prefer one over another. For example, I love the Innova Aviar (#1 on my list btw) because it just feels perfect in my hand. I’ve used plenty of others, and even if I can still putt as well with them, they just don’t feel quuuiiit right.
Look at the discs you’re already using
But how do I even know where to begin? Well, do you have a specific brand of disc that you prefer? I’d start by trying some putters in their lineup and go from there. Or maybe you find a specific type of plastic that feels great in your hand and maybe you want to find a putter made of the same thing.
Go to your local disc golf shop
Another option is to go to your local disc golf shop or sporting goods store and see what putter they have available. Chances are, you’ll find they carry at least a few of the discs on this list and they might even have a practice basket you test it on.
Talk to other disc golfers
Hit up some of the folks at your local course and see what putters they use. Chances are, they’ll be happy to share some insight and might even let you try out one or two of their putters.
Keep reading
Ah yes, if only somebody would write a 2300-word in-depth guide to help you find the ultimate putter to level up your game and dominate the competition… wellllll, I did and you can’t really go wrong with any of the putters on my list.
How I picked these as the best disc golf putters
I based this list on personal experience and popular opinion in the disc golf community. So, the top putters on this list are not only great putters but also widely used and respected in the game. Now, that doesn’t mean some of the discs farther down on this list are inferior! For example, Discs like the Pig and Rhyno are great for very specific situations, but they might not be the best choice all-around choice so they are further down our list.
Best disc golf putters of 2023
Rank | Putter | Speed, Glide, Turn, Fade | Best for |
1. | Innova Aviar | 2, 3, 0, 1 | Putting |
2. | Gateway Wizard | 2, 3, 0, 2 | Putting & Short Approach Shots |
3. | Axiom Envy | 3, 3, 0, 2 | Putting, Approach shots, Midrange shots |
4. | Discmania P2 | 2, 3, 0, 1 | Putting, Approach shots, Spin putting |
5. | Discraft Luna | 3, 3, 0, 3 | Putting, Short approach shots |
6. | Discraft Zone | 4, 3, 0, 3 | Putting, Approach shots, Midrange shots, Sidearm putts |
7. | Dynamic Discs Judge | 2, 4, 0, 1 | Putting |
8. | Dynamic Discs Warden | 2, 4, 0, 5 | Putting |
9. | Westside Harp | 4, 3, 0, 3 | Putting, Approach shots, Midrange shots, Short Drives |
10. | Innova Pig | 4, 1, 0, 3 | Putting, Approach shots, Short midrange shots |
11. | Innova Shark | 4, 4, 0, 2 | Putting, Approach shots, Midrange shots |
12. | Rhino | 2, 1, 0, 3 | Putting, Short approach shots |
1. Innova Aviar
Flight rating: (2, 3, 0, 1)

Best for – Putting
The Aviar is Innova’s most popular putter and the #1 putter in the game. It’s used from the beginner level to the pro tour and is a must-have for every player’s bag. it may be on my beginner list, but the Aviar is truly the putter for every skill level. In fact, my first putter was an Aviar and I still use that same disc almost 10 years later!
The Aviar flies incredibly straight with almost no fade at the end of its flight. Plus, I especially recommend the DX plastic model because it has an incredible feel and grip that provides excellent control. Sure, the DX plastic tends to take on more wear than some of the other plastics out there, but the result is a perfectly broken-in putter that just feels perfect in your hand. My Aviar is like that perfectly broken in pair of jeans at this point.
2. Gateway Wizard
Flight rating: (2, 3, 0, 2)

Best for – Putting & Short Approach Shots
The Gateway Wizard is another classic putter. Though not as popular as the Aviar, it is arguably the second most popular disc golf putter. Also, It flies great in windy conditions and can be used for short approach shots. Plus whenever you hit a tough putt everyone will start saying “You’re a wizard, Harry!”
The Wizard has slightly more fade at the end of its flight than the Aviar. So, it can be great for navigating around trees or obstacles near the basket. The Wizard also has a unique flexible texture that some prefer over the Aviar or other putters and this helps it to “stick” very well when it lands. It also has a deeper rim than the Aviar which some people prefer. Overall, the wizard is a solid putter to have on hand.
Gateway sells the Wizard in a ton of different types of plastic, but they say the SSS plastic is their most popular version.
3. Axiom Envy
Flight rating: (3, 3, -1, 2)

Best for – Putting, Approach shots, Midrange shots
The Axiom Envy is the ideal long-distance putter that also has an epic modern look. In reality, its unique flight characteristics make it more of a midrange disc that also excels at putting.
The Envy can handle very powerful throws while maintaining a straight smooth flight. However, it also has very little fade at the end of its flight which means it’s also a great putter. Overall, the Envy is a very versatile disc that can handle a variety of shots. For more advanced players looking to nail long put’s or approach shots, this is the answer.
4. Discmania P2
4. Discmania P2
Flight rating: (2, 3, 0, 1)

Best for – Putting, Approach shots, Spin putting
The Discmania P2 is a great overstable putter that can handle gusts of winds or even the occasional approach shot. The P2 is also the perfect choice for spin putting.
The P2 was technically designed for pro players, but I think it’s great for players of all skill levels. You can buy the P2 in several different types of plastic, but we recommend the mid-grade P-Line plastic. It has a great feel and grip without breaking the bank. According to Discmania, the feel of the P2 plastic gets even better over time.
5. Discraft Luna
Flight rating: (3, 3, 0, 3)

Best for – Putting, Short approach shots
The Discraft Luna is a great all-around putter that works well for hyzer and anhyzer putts. It’s Paul Mcbeth’s primary putter, but don’t let that scare you away! It’s also great for players of all skill levels. Many players even use it for approach throws because it holds a line very well and has tons of glide.
Some have found the flight numbers aren’t accurate to how the disc actually flies. So I recommend you test one out before buying if possible. If you decide to buy one, I recommend going with the midrange Big Z plastic since the grip and durability are comparable to the more expensive ESP plastic.
6. Discraft Zone
Flight rating: (4, 3, 0, 3)

Best for – Putting, Approach shots, Midrange shots, Sidearm putts
The Discraft Zone is a very reliable putter with extremely consistent flight characteristics. It also makes a great approach disc because it tends to “stick” wherever it lands. However, it also has minimal glide, so it can be a bit unwieldy for beginners but is a great option for intermediate-advanced players.
The Zone is also great for sidearm throws since it is very stable and can handle the extra torque generally associated with sidearm throws. It can be a lifesaver if you find yourself in a position where a traditional backhand putt won’t cut it.
7. Dynamic Discs Judge
Flight rating: (2, 4, 0, 1)

Best for – Putting
The Judge is one of Dynamic Discs’ top-selling discs – and for good reason! It’s a very reliable putt and approach disc that is the perfect all-around putter. It’s a great general-purpose putter for players of all skill levels and especially for beginners.
If you’re a fan of Dynamic Discs and just starting out, this is the putter for you. I recommend going with the Dynamic Discs Classic plastic for a good balance of grip and durability.
8. Dynamic Discs Warden
Flight rating: (2, 4, 0, .5)

Best for – Putting
The Dynamic Discs Warden is the beadless version of the Dynamic Discs Judge. Basically, this means the rim of this disc is missing a small “bead” of plastic that is present on the Judge. Generally, it just comes down to a matter of player preference. If you don’t know the difference you’ll be good sticking with the Judge. However, if you love the Judge but prefer beadless putters, this is the disc for you!
I recommend going with the Dynamic Discs Classic plastic for a good balance of grip and durability.
9. Westside Harp
9. Westside Discs Harp
Flight rating: (4, 3, 0, 3)

Best for – Putting, Approach shots, Midrange shots, Short Drives
The Westside Harp is an advanced-level putter/approach disc that is very overstable. Even though it’s labeled as a putter, it’s best used as a driving putter for short, straight drives off the tee. For advanced players. it just might be the only approach disc you need since it can handle a hard throw and windy conditions.
For beginners, I highly recommend holding off for now until, or at least until you master the basic putting and approach shots.
10. Innova Pig
Flight rating: (4, 1, 0, 3)

Best for – Putting, Approach shots, Short midrange shots
As you might have guessed from the name, the Innova pig is a thick, beefy disc that is very stable and can cut through the wind. It’s not fancy or flashy, but it will go where you throw it and stick where it lands. You may not use it on every hole, but it’s great when you need a disc that won’t glide far and will really stick the landing with minimal roll.
Overall, I recommend the Pig as an approach disc, but probably not as a go-to putter.
11. Innova Shark
Flight rating: (4, 4, 0, 2)

Best for – Putting, Approach shots, Midrange shots
The Innova Shark is a reliable midrange that’s easy to handle. Although it’s technically a midrange disc, we like it for longer putts. It has a straight reliable flight that’s easy for beginners to master. The Shark was one of my first discs and I still use it for the occasional long put or approach shot.
Because of its low-speed rating, it doesn’t have to be thrown very hard to achieve a well-placed approach shot. We also like that it tends to “stick” where it lands and doesn’t usually roll or skip. All in all, this is our go-to recommended midrange for beginners, especially since it’s included in the Innova starter set.
12. Innova Rhyno
12. Innova Rhyno
Flight rating: (2, 1, 0, 3)

Best for Putting, Short approach shots
The Rhyno is the redheaded stepchild of disc golf putters. It’s a beefy, ugly disc, and people either hate it or love it. From my experience, it flies similarly to the Innova Pig, but it offers the control and glide of a true putter. It’s definitely not as beginner-friendly as something like an Aviar, but it has its purpose.
I bought my Rhyno a few years back because I needed a rock-solid disc that could cut through the wind and stick the landing. I got it for a steal used at a local disc gold shop because it was a factory misprint. I recommend it to anyone looking for a solid putter that can double as an approach disc.
How many disc golf putters do you need to play disc golf?
Now that you know the best disc golf putters the question is how many do you need? The number of putters carried will vary depending on the person. There really is no “best” answer. However, at the very least you want to have at least one overstable putter and one stable putter.
If you’re unfamiliar with those terms, overstable means the disc tends to curve left if thrown like a normal frisbee by a right-handed person and right if thrown by a leftie. A stable disc tends to fly more straight. So, if you have one of each you’ll be ready to curve your putts around obstacles but also throw straight putts if needed.
From my experience, it’s best to get a feel for a few different putters and carry the ones that work best for your level and style of game. However, I like to stick with my Aviar for probably 90% of putts. I find that helps me stay dialed in better than if I’m continually switching putters.
Best Disc Golf Putters: Final Thoughts
Congratulations on making it this far! If you’ve read this entire article chances are you’re looking to take your game to the next level. Ultimately, the decision of which putter to use comes down to what works best for you! So, make sure to get out on the course or practice field before expanding your bag.
Looking for more disc recommendations besides just putters? Check out our ultimate guide!
Interested in learning more about disc golf? Check out our other guides, reviews, and resources.